An exhibition by Autism Hampshire’s Serendipity Community Groups to celebrate Autism Acceptance Week
29 March – 22 June
Autism Hampshire runs 15 Serendipity Community Groups for autistic adults across Hampshire.
The Serendipity Art group meets in the Southampton City Gallery’s education room twice a month. To celebrate Autism Acceptance Week, the art group, together with many of our other members, have chosen to showcase what autism means to them.
The colourful and vast autistic spectrum is seen as a ‘landscape of my mind’ by the serendipity creatives. The work produced represents the myriad of our members’ special interests, stories, experiences and creative pursuits to occupy the mind and focus on joy.
Our members are proud and excited to have this platform to share parts of themselves that they hope will uplift and inspire both neurodivergent and neurotypical communities.
Our members have produced an exhibition book, click here to find out more….