Fashioning Our World
Unpicking the past to thread together the future
7 December 2024 to February 2025
The Fashioning Our World exhibition was held at The Salisbury Museum from February to May 2024, and told the stories of clothes and accessories from the past that have been repurposed, mended, altered and looked after. It asked whether this could inspire us to think differently about sustainable fashion in the future.
The works on show as part of this display are just a small selection of the creative responses produced as part of the project, which worked with young people (aged 11 – 25) to share these stories with the community, change attitudes to fashion in the future and help fight the climate crisis.
This groundbreaking project has led to funding for a new fashion project at The Salisbury Museum called Fashioning Our Future, which continues this work for the next three years. To find out more and discover how you can get involved visit

Community Gallery Archive

The Artistic Journeys of Compass Students Through Photography & Bookmaking
Throughout this academic year, students from Compass School attended photography sessions at In Focus Education and Development, based in the heart of Southampton.

Autism Hampshire runs 15 Serendipity Community Groups for autistic adults across Hampshire.
The Serendipity Art group meets in the Southampton City Gallery’s education room twice a month. To celebrate Autism Acceptance Week, the art group, together with many of our other members, have chosen to showcase what autism means to them.

Year 9 have been building upon their work in year 8 on proportion and applied their knowledge to portraiture.
Year 8 have been learning about the figure in art and how to apply understanding of proportion to their own drawings

For 20 years, Jo Bressloff has worked as a freelance artist educator for the learning team at the Gallery and immensely enjoyed providing art workshops and tours for many groups of children, young people and adults who have visited.

Visions 2023 showcases work created by artists attending Southampton Day Services, a resource for adults with learning difficulties run at Sembal Resource Centre in the Polygon and Woolston Community Centre.

Quilt of Hope
When Southampton City Council put out a request for innovative projects that addressed the isolation experienced by people during the Pandemic lockdowns, the WEA responded with the Quilt of Hope Project, recognising the special role crafting has in bringing people together with a purpose and improving well-being and mental health for those that participate.

Climate Unity
Hampshire schools have been working on the Climate Unity project this year. It follows on from a successful Climate Forest Installation in 2021.

Life Scape
As part of the Regeneration Project, a joint initiative between PEEER Youth Service at Southampton Children’s Hospital and Theatre for Life which supports children and young people to engage with the arts, culture, advice and physical activity.

Twenty Years
Twenty Years is an interactive installation that is touring UK arts venues. The display is shaped by the participants and, in each venue, visitors are invited to contribute to an archive of thoughts and ideas about the way we might be living in the future.