OPEN – MIGRATION – Lynne Fordham – Southampton City Art Gallery

Lynne Fordham 

A case full of dreams 

Mixed – 3D, and oil painting on board 

I started to think about my entry to this exhibition last year, and wanted to portray a current point of view of Migration, rather than historical. 

I collected some items to be displayed with my painting (oils on board) which depicts two affluent people of colour, oblivious to the woman and her sleeping child begging in the background. She is vulnerable to a couple of dodgy characters, and in the distance is a boat full of migrants, coming in to land on the shore.

The items displayed with the painting are a vintage suitcase, c.1960, a piece of boat wreckage (named posthumously Barco Nostra, now a memorial in Venice to the 800 immigrant passengers lost at sea), the child’s shoe, and the anti-Assad Syrian rebel flag.

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