OPEN – PRIZES AND COMMENDATIONS – Douglas Robertson 02 – Southampton City Art Gallery


Douglas Robertson

Emigrants – Wake

Carved painted wood on board

When many people left their homes and lands to emigrate to countries such as America or Canada, many of them would never see their families again. The painting represents the ship of emigrants disappearing across the seas, vanishing and dispersing as would the wake of a ship. The dual use of the word wake also signifies that for some, it would be the last time they would see their loved ones.

Judges Comments:

This work fully embodies the themes of Journey, Migration and The Sea. The interplay between the painted surface and the relief make this a visually captivating piece.

The use of the word ‘wake’ to contemplate not only the wake of the boat in the water but the wake of its journey, the individuals on-board and the dangerous nature of the voyage is thought provoking and moving.

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