OPEN – SEA – Tiger Fox 03 – Southampton City Art Gallery


Beach Rose

Digital Photograph

Imagine Mayflower’s Pilgrims travelling to America 400 years ago. Excitement and trepidation building on discovering their ‘New World’; sentiments doubtlessly enhanced having survived the omnipotent nature of the sea. Such feelings, possibly the tip of an emotional iceberg, shared to an extent by me today. 

Each time I walk the beach, enjoying the sublime nature of my surroundings, my excitement builds moving from one discarded but now discovered object to the next. Much as the Mayflower was taken by the sea to America, the flowers I am sharing with you today were brought by the sea to me.

Can you recognise the excitement and trepidation I feel photographically recording my 21st-century discoveries from our ‘consumer dominated New World’?

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